Monday, September 11, 2006

Five years..that's all we've got (Bowie)

Five years ago this morning I was being driven to work - the day before I'd had an allergic reaction to a pickle and ended up in hospital; they'd pumped me full of benadryl - feeling a little lightheaded and vaguely listening to the radio. When the sudden alert when off on the CBC, I barely opened my eyes, but when the words finaly made their way through my hazy thoughts and resonsated with me, I bolted upright. 'Oh my God - it's the end of the world.' The announcer in a voice that defied belief said that a tower had collapsed. It was the end for too many people, innocent people, just doing their jobs. Rick dropped me off at work and I entered what was a state of confusion at AcceLight (the startup that melted down). Friends from the states called, saying they didn't know why they were under attack, but it was some guy named Mohammed. They'd never heard of Osama at this juncture. Debbie went home and got a TV and we watched and watched ..and watched. I got an email from my sister in Washington DC. "We're ok, tell mom". Another tower collapsed. A plane crashed in Pittsburgh, DC was in flames. My director at the time - a real bright bulb - said 'enough of this, we've got to get back to the budget - things need to be done." No one understood that this would change so much. No one did, it still does. Is the world better...or worse. You tell me.

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