Monday, August 21, 2006

Achieve this!

Canadian Junior Achievers Conference - sound like a room full of underage overworkers? Well you may be partly correct, but it's much more than that. It is probably one of the neatest way to get a look at and meet the future leaders - from all over this planet, and it's one heck on an inspiration. Chipworks is a sponsor for the this event which takes place annually in different cities across the nation. This year it was in Ottawa. The conference attendees are the best of the 'best' from their high schools. To start the day, we hosted a tour of our facility, answered questions and let the kids see first hand how exciting the world of reverse engineering is, and how we use our technical and patent expertise to provide services to our customers - how we help them solve problems. Ok, commercial off. We also fed 'em lunch.

In the afternoon, we attended the Canadian Junior Achievers "Fulfilling the Vision" conference at Carleton University. These are cool kids, smart, curious, energetic and eager to learn. We chanted and chatted. I was on hand to discuss Marketing with the Red House, 26 really cute and keen students. We were working with the bilingual team that included delegates from the Bahamas, across Canada and from as far away as Guam and across Europe. They wanted to know how we help to fulfill our company's vision. I was joined by a colleague CAM - a true marketeer - for a Q&A session following the day's keynote from a well recognized and highly-successful marketing 'tour de force" Wendy Kennedy. It was a blast to talk about ourselves, our strategies, startpoints including some of the campaigns that worked, where we got our ideas, our successes and hey we even talked about some failures. The two hour session flew by, before I knew it, the clock said 4:30 and we were done.

They were very sweet, they gave us pen sets as a thank you, but more than that, they gave us a look at who the next leaders are going to be - a sneak preview. Tell ya what? I'm impressed.

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