Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Scored again

When you're hot baby, you're hot! Another article from Chipworks was published today. This time on IP Frontline there is an article entitled "Don't Get Caught with your Patents Down" written by Terry Ludlow, the CEO and Founder of the company.

But enough about work. Last night we went to the Ottawa Greek Fest, great food, I had a delish greek salad, Rick went for the souvlaki. Yum. The music was fun - not your typical bousiki music - the band was actually rocking out. In addition to the great unwashed that usually attend these types of events (and yes, they were there in force) I also ran into a ton of people I hadn't seen in yonks; all getting loaded on Retsina and beer. Festivals bring out the beasts and the best.

Tonight I'm off to see the Ottawa Lynx play the Buffalo Bisons (they get a prize for the stupidest sports team name ever.) Going with a crowd, so should be a laugh.

Blogging is fun, more should do it, beats EMail update, and almost as good as instant messaging! Yeah!

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